People Matter

People Matter

Winner: Intelligent Wellness Analytics, People Matter

Rapid transformation in a business, paired with a global pandemic, is a recipe for increased pressure, stress and a risk of poor mental health and burnout. This was the case for Experian’s UK Group HRD, who had limited data or insight into employee mental wellbeing during a process of change in a company.

In 2020, Experian and People Matter welcomed Okina, a new analytics platform which provided a 360-degree view of wellbeing across the organisation, and meant Experian could track the impact of transformation and the pandemic on wellbeing.

The Digital Self technology allowed Experian to integrate its communications channels, such as Microsoft Teams, along with its HR system to provide a deep analysis of how working patterns influence mental wellbeing.

Individuals also had access to the Okina app, which was designed to work as a mental wellness companion to provide deep insight on the current state of mental wellbeing for employees.

Experian was able to develop focused and targeted interventions to specific areas of the business by providing actionable insights via Okina Care, and decrease overall stress-related absence.

With the insights being delivered in real time, Experian proactively identified areas of the business where the risk of burnout was high or increasing over time, and delivered specific interventions based on what the data showed.

The judges said the platform was “very timely given the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic” and that People Matter had clearly described a robust predictive model that enabled the organisation to empower its employees to make meaningful decisions on wellbeing.

Privacy and data protection are built into everything at People Matter and this was the same for Okina. For the individual, when launching Okina and into the organisation there are several levels of consent required for the data to feed through into the Okina Care analytics platform.

The app allows users to anonymously share their ‘digital self’ (email, calendar and chat) information with their employer, and individuals are always given complete control over their data. Plus, People Matter only ever reports on groups of 10 or more individuals within a team, and where this information is not available, the platform will clearly highlight this so no individuals are identified through the Okina platform.

The judges said there was a “great application of data science principles” with potential to explore the link between the app’s wellness model and organisation’s performance without identifying individuals and further extend the benefits.

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