Judges FAQs 2025

Thank you for agreeing to be a CIPD People Management Award judge.  We could not run such a rigorous and highly regarded awards campaign without your commitment and expertise.  You will have been sent instructions on the judging process but we thought you might also find the following FAQs useful too. 

If there is anything you are unsure of then please email the awards team on [email protected].

What are the two stages of judging?

  • The first stage is filter judging where you judge the online entries independently on your own time for your designated category, submit your scores and anonymous feedback to the entrant.
  • The second stage is panel judging where the shortlisted entrants present for twenty minutes followed by 10 minutes of judges’ Q&A session. This will take place from the 1-3 July. You will be informed of the exact date for your panel judging day this spring.

How many judges in each category?  

  • In each category we aim to have three judges comprising of a CIPD adviser/expert, an experienced HR or L&D practitioner and an external expert/consultant/sponsor. Having more than one judge in a category means that each entry is judged from different viewpoints.

Will I be told who is judging alongside me in my category? 

  • You will receive your fellow panel judge names within your judging instructions email nearer to the live panel judging day.

Filter Judging stage

How long do I have to judge? 

  • Filter judging will commence on the 6 May and will finish on the 20 May. As we have a tight turnaround to review scores and create the shortlist, we ask that you please finish your judging on time. 
  • Panel judging will be 1-3 July. We will confirm via email your assigned panel judging day. We ask that you hold the entire day starting at 8:30am until 4:30pm until we confirm the exact timing following the shortlist announcement. Please note, we will not be able to re-arrange your panel judging day in the case of any scheduling conflicts as multiple stakeholders will be involved. 

Please keep these panel judging days free until we confirm your dates. If you cannot make a certain date please tell us now! Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

I’ve forgotten my judging login, how do I find this?

  • You can find this in your filter judging email. Your username is your company email address. Your password will have been supplied in our online filter judging instructions email. If you have lost this please contact [email protected].

How long does filter judging take and what time do scores need to be submitted?

  • It does depend on the number of entries in your category and it does vary.  We recommend setting aside 2-3 working days to complete your judging. However, we urge you to log into the system as soon as judging instructions are provided so you are aware of the number of entries in your category. Scores must be submitted by 17:00 GMT on 20 May. Please put a calendar reminder for these dates.


  • You will be asked to provide an individual score for three questions out of a possible maximum mark. Please note, the maximum marks do differ. Please refer to your filter judging instructions on the scoring methodology. 

Where do I find the criteria I am judging against?

  • All judging criteria can be found within the system under each entry. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

I notice that the criteria makes reference to the CIPD Profession Map.  Where do I find out more about this? 

  • Since 2019 we have aligned the entry criteria with the CIPD’s Profession Map which is the international benchmark for the People Profession.  At its heart lies three core principles - principles-led, evidence based and outcomes driven. In each category we ask for evidence of why the decisions taken and strong outcomes driven results.  We ask you to give extra credit if the entry demonstrates one or more of the CIPD Professional Principles (Work Matters, People Matter, Professionalism Matter). Click here for the CIPD Profession map.

How is the shortlisted selected? 

  • The scores from all the judges in a category are added up and divided by the number of judges in the panel.  The top scoring entries are the finalists who go through to the panel stage.  

What do I do if I have vested interest in an entry?

  • If for any reason you have a conflict of interest, please do not judge the entry. You will not score this entry and we will take the marks from the remaining judges. 

What do I do if I think an entry is in the wrong category?

  • This does happen and we want to give all entries the best chance.  If for any reason you think the entry is in the incorrect category, please email us at [email protected] stating which category you think it should be moved to.

Can I save my scores and come back to judging at a later date?

  • Yes. Please click “Save” on all scores and you can log back in to complete judging later. Please ensure that you have completed your scores and provided comments by 17:00 GMT on 20 May.

Where do I fill in scores?

  • Please complete scores within the judging system. Please note that some questions require 15 marks and some require 20. You must mark within this range for it to be counted. 
Panel judging

Why do you have a panel stage? 

Not all awards in our Profession have a panel stage but we believe it is a critical part of a rigorous judging process and in the words of one of our previous finalists make these awards 'the one to win’.  It is much valued by the shortlisted entries as an opportunity to bring their awards to life in front of industry experts and their peers.    

When and where is the panel stage and how does this work? 

The panel stage will take place on 1-3 July. This will take place digitally over Zoom. Please keep both Panel dates free until we confirm you dates. 

The panel stage of judging gives entrants an opportunity to showcase their entries to you and your fellow judges. The day is structured in 30 minute sessions, which allows for 15 minutes presentation, 15 minutes Q&A with a further 10 minute write up period. 

2 weeks prior to panel judging, we will email you your judging materials. Please confirm that you have viewed the materials in advance of your judging day. 

Finally, we ask that during the judging, you focus solely on the judging and look at your emails only during the provided breaks. 

Will I have access to my scores from the filter stage?

Yes. We can give you access to the judging portal to use on the day.

What do I do if I have a vested interest?

We ask judges with any vested interest that cause bias to excuse themselves from the room and come back in when the next presentation is taking place.

General FAQs

Do the entrants get feedback?  

Entrants will receive feedback following the Awards Ceremony in September. They receive anonymous feedback from the panel judging stage.

When is the awards ceremony? 

The CIPD Awards are due to take place on Thursday 25 September at the JW Marriott Grosvenor House. As a judge, you are invited to join us as a thank you for all your hard work, if you are not able to join us please let us know. 

Do I need to confirm my dietary requirements?

Yes. Please email us any access or dietary requirements so we can ensure we cater to your needs.