Valerie Anderson
Professor of HRD and Education , University of Portsmouth
Valerie Anderson is Professor of Human Resource Development and Education at the University of Portsmouth. She is committed to the integration of research, scholarship, practice, teaching and learning. Her specific field of expertise are employability, standards in HRM, and learning and development in work organization settings. Prior to her academic career she worked in operational and consultancy learning and development roles in private and public sector organizations.
She is Chair of the European University Forum for HRD. She also chairs the British Standards Institution (BSI) Committee responsible for standards development in Human Capital Management and is an active member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee focused on the development of International Standards for HRM. In addition to funded research leading to academic publications she undertakes a range of practice-based research projects and has authored over 15 practitioner tools, webinars and reports. She is an active supporter of the annual International CIPD Applied Research Conference and is the lead author of the CIPD textbook Research Methods in Human Resource Management, currently in its 4th edition.